Promotional Video in a Hurry Please
12 Hour Rush Job Requested for Conference in Germany
A couple of weeks ago, at 9pm, I received a phone call from a gentleman that runs a helicopter company with an urgent request. He was going to Germany tomorrow to speak at a conference the following day and needed a promotional video. It was for the local helipad in Weymouth/Portland (video at end).
The idea was to promote the helipad to prospective clients looking to rent, use and land there. The spec was simply to show off:
I had to be there at 10am the following morning to start filming regardless of weather.
Pre-Flight Checks and Preparation
That night I charged all my batteries, checked the drone (UAV) and made the usual safety checks and risk assessments. I got all my camera gear ready not really knowing what I would need.
The weather was a bit hit and miss with regards to the sun. However, the wind was just about flyable for the drone. In between clouds, I got the drone airborne and got the shots I needed before the helicopter took off for its display.
I then filmed the interior of the hangar, the boardroom/meeting room, the kitchen and the lounge area.
Once I was certain I had everything I needed, I headed home. Next was to start editing and looking for suitable music as the finished video needed to be uploaded and sent to Germany by 9pm that night.
Finally got it done and I think I sent the email with link at around 9:02pm. Job done and apparently it went down well with everyone at the conference. Here is the rush video I put together: