BNUC-s Ground Exam Passed
Part one of the aerial examinations complete, flight exam next!
The BNUC-s ground exam is part one of the training and examination leading to a full license. Qualified UAV pilots will, after completing and passing both of the exams, receive their PFCO or "Permission for Commercial Operations". It grants the operator permission to fly and film with drones commercially in the UK.
After a grueling few weeks of studying, then two days training at Heathrow Airport in London followed by a 75 minute exam (with an 85% pass mark), I am pleased to say that I have passed the exam with 92%.
I am so pleased because this was pretty intense. Much of the course (especially reading and interpreting aeronautical charts and maps) being akin to a full pilot training lesson.
The next stage is to write up my 50-60 page operations manual for my drone and business. Then to take part two which is the flight exam taking place somewhere closer to home I hope.
PFCO (Permission for Commercial Operations)
All this will then allow me to get permission for aerial work from the CAA (Civil Aviation Authority). This will, in turn, will mean I can work with my drone set up commercially. To earn money for my business.
In the meantime, I am doing a lot of flight training whilst using everything that I have learned so far. Below are some sample footage clips from the DJI Phantom 2 and Go Pro HD Hero (Black) 4k video camera.
Edit: Please note that this footage was taken as a newbie to aerial video and my pre-license days. If you are looking to book a pilot for aerial video work, I am now 100% qualified, licensed and insured to do so.