Drone Roof Inspections and Seagulls
Nesting seagulls can hinder drone roof surveys
One of the first questions I ask roof survey enquirers is "do you have a problem with or an abundance of seagulls or pigeons nearby"?
You can see why I ask this in the image above taken during a drone roof survey for the British Heart Foundation.
As soon as I arrived at the property, at 9.30am on a Sunday, I noticed a lot of "scout" seagulls and pigeons lining the roofs nearby. This rang alarm bells as I had seen this many times before.
Lo and behold, as soon as I took off, I was "approached" by a few seagulls and pigeons kindly requesting me to leave. Having had issues in the past, I assessed the situation and abandoned the shoot.
Try an early start
However, I came back a couple of days later, this time at 5.30am and with a more appropriate drone, and this time I got the job done. By using a different drone, planning the shoot in advance for speed and efficiency and staying at a certain height, I was able to get the job done without too much interference.
The roof had no serious issues but it did have three nesting gulls as you can see in the top image on this page. Normally this isn't a problem (other than the noise, mess and swooping down to steal my daughters chips) but sometimes, the nests can block the natural flow of rain water which can cause problems.
Job done
Anyway, the roof had a full inspection, no birds were injured or too stressed and all was well. As much as these birds are a pain to local residents, they still have the right to be there and to be fair, their "footprint" is way smaller than us humans.
Look at the top right section of the image below. One of Weymouth's biggest problems with seagulls is the fact that they constantly raid our bins and leave a huge mess (that we leave lying around).
Need a drone roof survey?
If you would like a cost-effective and thorough aerial roof inspection or survey done, please get in touch. I will survey the area and work out the best time, and approach, to getting the survey done with as little disruption as possible.